What are the Advantages of Online Surveys – Guide

The problem is that companies often conduct surveys without the intention of getting feedback. In fact, they may even do so in an attempt to influence or manipulate customers. This can have a negative impact on your business and cause you to lose customers, or worse, damage your brand.

Traditional surveys are becoming less and less effective as more customers migrate to online surveys. This is where the sales and marketing opportunities for a business start to dwindle. At this point, companies can use online surveys to improve their sales, generate leads, increase their chances of getting leads and retain their customers more effectively. An online survey is a great way for a business to gain additional exposure but it can have negative consequences if they want too much attention from potential customers.

Advantages of online surveys


The time required to complete an online research project is, on average, two-thirds shorter than traditional research methods. This means that you don’t have to wait for paper questionnaires to come back to you, the response time is almost instantaneous. Online marketing experts say that more than half of responses are received within the first three days of the research project. ..


Questionnaires can be a cost-effective way to reduce research costs. By using online questionnaires, you will not need to allocate time and resources to enter the information into a database, and results can be accessed at any time.

More accurate

Online surveys are more accurate because participants enter their responses directly into the system. This eliminates the margin of error because there is no chance for human error. ..

quick to analyze

Online surveys are a great way to get your thoughts out there and see what people think about your product or service. You can use the data to create graphs, export data for further analysis, and share your findings with anyone who is interested.

Easy to use for participants

The popularity of online surveys has led to the development of a number of tools that allow people to complete surveys quickly and easily. One such tool is SmartSurvey, which allows people to choose the time that suits them best and the time required to complete the survey is much less. With SmartSurvey, participants can skip questions that are not relevant to them.

Easy to use for researchers

Online surveys can be a valuable tool for researchers because they allow for quick and detailed analysis of data. By taking advantage of online surveys, researchers can save time and get a more complete picture of the data they are studying.

easy to style

An online survey is a way to get your brand’s message out to potential customers. A web survey can be customized to match the look and feel of your company’s website, with custom backgrounds, images, logos, fonts, and even final redirects that take users to the survey page. Make sure your online survey provider supports mobile responsive surveys so you can reach more people while keeping your brand consistent across all platforms. ..

more honest

Market researchers have found that respondents prefer to complete surveys online rather than participate in written questionnaires or telephone interviews and often provide longer, more detailed answers. By designing and submitting relevant, targeted surveys, people are more likely to respond with honest answers.

more selective

With an online survey, you can pre-screen participants and allow only those who match your target profile to complete the survey. SmartSurvey’s Live Audience service can help you find survey participants, helping you reach a specific audience or demographic with relevant questions that apply to them.

Final note

The advantages of online surveys are many and varied. Here are a few of the most common ones:

  1. You can get a lot of information quickly and easily.
  2. You can use the information to improve your business or personal life.
  3. You can get feedback from people who may be more likely to be reliable than people you would interview in person.
  4. You can save time and money by doing surveys online instead of going to physical stores.