How to Write on NFC Tags to Automate Tasks – Guide

In this tutorial, we are taking our previous automatic automation tutorial a step forward. We introduce the conditional statement, on the basis of which the actions to be performed are decided. There are two sets of actions, one executed when the condition is true and the other when the conditions are false. In this demo, our condition is NFC ring time between 9:30am and 10:30am, if true, then the tone and brightness will be reduced; WiFi on; an SMS to the number you chose with what you chose needs to send text sent.

If the time is not within said range, NFC tags will turn off the wifi, set the brightness to auto-bright, set the volume to “high”, and send another SMS with a different text as programmed.

Write in NFC tags to automate tasks

  1. Get you to sleep
  2. Reduce stress
  3. Reduce anxiety
  4. Improve mood

Assuming you have successfully installed the ‘Trigger’ application, do the following:

Swipe right and tap ‘My Tasks’ to see all of your tasks.

Enter the name of the task and click on the ‘Create’ button.

To add a trigger for an NFC-enabled device, open the “Add a trigger” pop-up and select “NFC.” ..

When you tap the ‘Add restrictions’ button, you will see a screen that allows you to set up conditions for the NFC tag to work. You can choose specific time, days, and WiFi/Bluetooth status as restrictions. Again, simplicity is key here, so we’ll skip this step. Just tap “Done.” ..

On the next screen, you will see your newly created task called ‘NFC’. Tap ‘Next’ at the bottom to add an action. The action is nothing more than a task that you want to be done when the NFC tag is tapped. You will see a list of available actions, which are things that you can do with the NFC tag. Tap on ‘Add Action’ and then choose one of the options from the list. You will see a list of available actions, which are things that you can do with the NFC tag. Tap on ‘Add Action’ and then choose one of the options from the list. ..

On the “Sounds & volume” screen, select Sounds & volume > Ring volume, Notification volume, and Display > Brightness. Tap Next.

Add Ring Volume, Notification Volume and Brightness values to your task.

Next, you’ll need to create a trigger for the peacefulsleep project. Name it “PeacefulSleepTrigger.”

The ‘Switch Tasks’ screen will show you a list of your currently active tasks. If you have assigned tasks to NFC tags, they will be listed in the order they are triggered. If you don’t have any tasks assigned to NFC tags, then the screen will say “No tasks.”

Final note

NFC tags are a type of technology that can be used to automate tasks. This guide will show you how to write NFC tags using the Google Sheets app.