How to trigger Google Assistant routines – Guide

If you have an Android device, you can make it better by using the Google Assistant routines that are currently accessible in the Google Clock app and have some control over your shiny home or play the decision sound when you arrive up every morning. The main disadvantage is that they are not difficult to rest. This can happen on a number of occasions and before long you are late for work or skipping breakfast and waiting for a line of green lights so as not to delay work.

How to trigger google assistant routines by dismissing an alarm

Open the Google Home app. Tap the Routines button. Tap the “+” button in the lower right corner of the screen. ..

Tap Dismiss an alarm to dismiss it from your screen.

When you dismiss an alarm on your Nest devices, you can choose one of three ways to trigger your routine: the Assistant Ready Speakers/Displays button, the Nest Cam or the Nest Thermostat. You can also choose to have all of your Nest devices trigger together.

To enable or disable the alarm, tap the toggle button next to the alarm bell icon. ..

To set a timed window when the routine will be active, tap the Only between these times button, and then set a start and end time. However, you cannot designate days of the week, so the window will apply every day.

The blue Add button launcher allows you to add voice launchers for different routines. For example, if you want to start a routine with “Hey!,” you would type that phrase and hit the Add Home button. However, if you don’t want to use the voice launcher for a particular routine, just type the phrase and tap the Add Voice Launcher button.

When you dismiss an alarm, you can choose from a variety of options. ..

Save your routine.

Final note

Google Assistant is a powerful AI that can help you with a variety of tasks. This guide will show you how to trigger routines using Google Assistant. If you have any questions about the guide, feel free to ask us in the comments section. You can also share this article with your friends to help them get started with Google Assistant. ..