How to Time Travel in Google Street View – Guide

Google Street View is a feature on Google Maps that lets you see the current street view of a location. Did you know that you can use Google Maps Street View to travel back in time and see an area as it was in the past? For many places, Google updates Street View data at regular intervals. It is possible to examine earlier photographs of places in this way. However, this time travel feature is only available on Google Maps Street View desktop edition. ..

How to View old Street View images

Type in your address and hit “enter.” You’ll see a map of the area with pins marking places of interest. Click on one of the pins to get more information about that location. ..

To experience what life was like in a certain era, enter a location in the past. For this example, we are looking for 85 West Street in New York City, NY. ..

You can select the Street View icon to see the location in more detail.

The circular arrow-shaped icon with clock hands in the middle is a symbol for a location. Notably, you won’t be able to see older images from all locations. If available for that specific location, this icon will show up.

The timeline reveals a chronological history of the place you’re currently viewing. You can swipe to go back in time or view older images from the same spot. Additionally, you can change your perspective and view updates as they occur.

To view the image in full screen mode, just tap the “Magnifying glass” icon.

Final note

Google Street View is a great way to explore different parts of your city without actually going there. You can see everything from the top of a building to the bottom of a street. This guide will show you how to time travel in Google Street View.