How to Store Bitcoins Safely – Guide

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have seen a resurgence in popularity in 2019 and 2020, with new records being set. This has led to an increase in hacking incidents, with some of the most visible thefts taking place in plain sight. Victims have little recourse as their tokens are stolen without warning. ..

Bitcoins are kept in a digital wallet in the same way as cash or cards are kept in a physical wallet. A hardware-based digital wallet or a web-based digital wallet are possible. The wallet can also be stored in a mobile device, a computer desktop, or printed on paper to keep private keys and access addresses secure. But are any of these digital wallets safe? The answer depends on how the user handles their money. The owner of bitcoin cannot access the currency without a set of private keys, which are stored in all wallets. The most serious threat to bitcoin’s security is an individual user losing or having their private key stolen.

The user will never see their bitcoins again unless they have the secret key. A user can lose their bitcoin for a variety of reasons, including computer problems (hard drive failure), hacking, or physical loss of the computer where the digital wallet is stored. We’ll look at some of the best ways to safely hold bitcoin in the sections below.

The best ways to keep bitcoin safely

Hot Wallet

Hot wallets are wallets that run on devices connected to the internet. This can create vulnerability because these wallets generate the private keys for their coins on these internet-connected devices. While a hot wallet can be very convenient in the way you can access and transact your assets quickly, it also lacks security. ..

People who are not using enough security when using these hot wallets can have their funds stolen. This is an infrequent occurrence and can happen in a number of ways. For example, bragging on a public forum like Reddit about how much Bitcoin you hold while using little to no security and storing it in a hot wallet would be unwise.

These wallets are meant to be used for small amounts of cryptocurrency. You can compare a hot wallet to a checking account. Conventional financial wisdom would say to keep only the money you spend in a checking account while most of your money is in savings accounts or other investment accounts. The same can be said for hot wallets. Hot wallets cover mobiledesktop, web and most exchange escrow wallets.

When you hold cryptocurrency in an exchange wallet, you are not holding the cryptocurrency’s private key. The user of this type of wallet is the holder of the exchange’s escrow account.

If an event occurs where the exchange is hacked or your account is compromised, your funds will be lost. Cryptocurrency exchanges do not provide SIPC or FDIC insurance, making secure cryptocurrency storage especially important. The phrase “not your keys, not your coins” is a very repeated concept on cryptocurrency forums. As mentioned earlier, it is not advisable to keep large amounts of cryptocurrency in any hot wallet, especially an exchange account. Instead, it is suggested that you withdraw most funds to your own “cold” personal wallet (explained below). Exchange accounts include Coinbase, Gemini, Binance and many others.

Cryptocurrencies are still very useful for their ability to make transactions or trade quickly, even though these wallets are connected to the internet. ..

Cold Wallet

A cold wallet is a wallet that is not connected to the internet and therefore carries a much lower risk of being compromised. These wallets can also be called offline wallets or hardware wallets. ..

A new type of wallet called a hardware wallet stores a user’s private key on a physical device. These wallets are becoming more popular because they offer security and peace of mind. ..

A paper wallet is a cold wallet that you can generate on certain websites. It then produces public and private keys that you print on a piece of paper. The ability to access cryptocurrencies at these addresses is only possible if you have this piece of paper. Many people laminate these paper wallets and store them in safe deposit boxes at their banks or even a safe in their home. Paper wallets have no corresponding user interface other than a piece of paper and the blockchain itself.

A hardware wallet is a USB drive device that securely stores a user’s private keys. This has serious advantages over hot wallets as it is not affected by viruses that might be on the computer because the private keys never come in contact with the network connected computer or potentially vulnerable software. These devices are also typically open source, allowing the community to determine their safety, rather than a company declaring it safe to use.

Cold wallets are the safest way to store your Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. However, they require a little more knowledge to define. Up. It is essential for anyone interested in owning cryptocurrency to learn about secure storage and the concepts of hot and cold wallets.

Physical Coins

Bitcoin investors can now purchase physical Bitcoins through a variety of services. The coins come with tamper evident stickers covering a predetermined amount of Bitcoin, to ensure that the coins are not counterfeit. To purchase physical currency, you may need to pay a small premium over the value of the Bitcoin you are purchasing, due to the cost of manufacturing and shipping the currency itself. ..

Other safety precautions


Bitcoin is a digital currency that uses cryptography to secure its transactions. If your computer fails, or you lose your wallet, you may be unable to spend your bitcoin. Back up your entire bitcoin wallet early and often so that if something happens to your computer, you can still spend your coins. Make sure to back up all wallet.dat files, then store the backup in multiple safe locations. Set a strong password on the backup.

software updates

Bitcoin wallets that are not updated can be an easy target for hackers. The latest version of the wallet software will have a better security system, thus increasing the security of your bitcoins. If your software is updated with the latest security patches and protocols, you can avoid a major crisis due to the enhanced security of the wallet. ..


A multi-signature system is a type of security that involves approving a number of people (say 3 to 5) for a transaction to take place. This limits the threat of theft as a single controller or server cannot carry out the transactions (i.e. send bitcoins to an address or withdraw bitcoins). The people who can transact are decided at the beginning and when one of them wants to spend or send bitcoins, they require others in the group to approve the transaction.

Final note

How to Store Bitcoins Safely: A Step-by-Step Guide ..