How to Send DM on Twitter – Guide

Twitter is a one-to-many social media platform that allows businesses, brands, and individuals to connect with their entire audience at once. However, when it comes to building more personal relationships with your followers, this one-to-many approach may not be enough. As one of the biggest one-to-many social media platforms, Twitter moves very quickly and it’s easy to get lost in the conversation. That’s where Twitter Direct Messages (DMs) come in, to allow for more in-depth one-on-one conversations. DM stands for direct message, which are messages sent by Twitter that are only for you and the recipient and are not displayed up in your feed. ..

Twitter DMs are a private mode of communication used to start a personal conversation with anyone who follows you on Twitter. DMs can also be sent to people who do not follow you if they have chosen to receive DMs from others on the platform or if you have already sent that person a direct message. Twitter DM’s used to be limited to 140 characters, as were public tweets (which are now 280 characters long). However, in August 2015, Twitter expanded the character limit for direct messages to 10,000 characters. Now users can also send images, videos, GIFs and emojis via DM. ..

How to send DM on Twitter

Select Messages on the left rail on Twitter home page.

Type a message and click the send button.

Next, you will be asked to enter the message. Type your message in the text field and click on the Send button.

If you haven’t already corresponded with the person and haven’t deleted the messages, you’ll see them in the message window. In the message field, type your message and select the Send icon (right arrow). The message appears in the message window.

Final note

Twitter is a great platform for exchanging messages with your followers. You can use it to ask them questions, share news and updates, and even connect with them in other ways. Here are some tips on how to send DM on Twitter:

  1. Make sure you have a good Twitter account and follow at least 10 people. This will help you get more followers and start to interact with your followers in a more meaningful way.
  2. Use the @ symbol to denote your Twitter handle. This will help others find your tweets faster and easier.
  3. Type out the following message in the body of your DM: “Hey follower! I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been following you and I think you’re really cool! Keep up the good work!”
  4. Follow other users who are interested in what you have to say or who might be able to help answer any questions you have about Twitter or social media in general.