How to Install the New Media Player in Windows 11 – Guide

The Media Player app in Windows 11 is a redesigned app that replaces the Groove Music app. The new UI follows the Windows 11 design language. For example, the new UI has rounded corners, semi-transparent materials, and supports both light and dark color system modes. The app supports audio and video playback.

If you want to try the new media player on Windows 11 stable channel, here is how to install it:

  1. Open the Start screen and type “cmd” (without the quotes) and hit enter.
  2. Type “netstat -an” and hit enter.
  3. Look for the “tcpip” entry and change it to “udp”.
  4. Type “netstat -an | grep tcpip” and hit enter.
  5. Look for the “tcpip” entry and change it to “udp”.
  6. Type “netstat -an | grep tcpip | awk ‘{print $2}’” and hit enter. This will show you all active TCP/IP connections in your system, including those that are associated with Groove Music app instances (if any). If there are none shown, Groove Music app is not installed on your computer yet!
  7. Change the port number of Groove Music app instances from their default of 8443 to 8086 if they are still active on your computer after making these changes:
  8. Type “netstat -an | grep tcpip | awk ‘{print $2}’” again and hit enter; this time, change the port number of Groove Music app instances from 8086 to 8443 . Now everything should be working as before!

Steps to Install New Media Player on Windows 11 Stable Channel

If you are running an older build of Windows, please update your system to the latest version. ..

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Microsoft has announced that it is discontinuing its Groove Music service. ..

In the search results, be sure to look for the file “POTUS_Press_Conference.mp4.” ..

Right-click on Microsoft.ZuneMusic_11.2111.54.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle and select the ‘Save link as’ option to download the file to your computer.

Once the update is downloaded, click on the Update button.

Now that the process is complete, the Media Player is ready to use.

That’s it! You finished. This will install the new Media Player on Windows 11 stable or beta version. You can find the new app in the Start Menu.

Final note

How to Install the New Media Player in Windows 11 In order to install the new media player in Windows 11, you will need to first create a new user account and then follow these steps:

  1. Open the Start screen and type “cmd” into the search bar. This will open a command prompt.
  2. Type “netstat -an” into the command prompt and then press return. This will show you all of your network connections.
  3. In this example, we are going to use the network connection of “eth0” to install the new media player. To do this, we need to add it as a new connection and then change its name to “eth0”. Type “netstat -a” again and then press return. This will show you all of your current connections as well as any new ones that have been added since you last used netstat -an. We will now want to add the new connection “eth0” to our list of connections so that we can start playing music from it: type “netstat -a eth0 | grep playlists”. You should see a list of all of your current playlists as well as any newly added ones that have been made since you last used netstat -an. We will now want to delete the old connection “eth0” from our list: type “netstat -a eth0 | del”. You should now see a list of all of your current connections as well as any newly added ones that have been made since you last used netstat -an.