How to Install Ungoogled Chromium on Windows, macOS and Linux – Guide

Chromium is the open source engine and framework from which Google Chrome is derived. Ungoogled Chromium is a stripped-down version of Chromium that does not have any dependencies on Google’s web services. ..

This feature completely eliminates the need to “call home” to Google servers – something even regular Chromium does. For example, “Safe Browsing” sends data about the websites you visit to Google to ensure that those websites are “safe”. This one feature sounds good, but if you follow your standard internet safety checklists, you’ll be pretty good at avoiding obviously “unsafe” sites. The privacy issue with a “Safe Browsing” web search is that Google feeds the G-Machine free information. You can bet they record what websites you visit, when you visit them, how often you visit them, etc.

Steps to Install Non-Google Chromium

on Windows

If you open the Ungoggled Chromium download page or the GitHub page for Ungoggled Chromium, you can see several options to configure up files. Choose the one that fits your PC, Windows 32 bit. If you don’t know about your PC’s system type, you can check it in the properties.

Now look for the file we need to download. ..

When you finish downloading the EXE file, you can install it by double-clicking the EXE file. ..

You can now use Ungoggled Chromium without Google interference by following these steps:

  1. Open a new window or tab and type chrome://flags in the address bar.
  2. Click on the “Ungoggled” tab.
  3. Under “Default settings,” select “No.”

To find the best search engine for Ungoggled Chromium, you must first go to the Three Dot menu and select “Search Engine.” From there, you can choose the search engine that you want to use. ..

on macOS

To download non-Googled chrome on Mac, open this link.

The latest DMG file for macOS is available here.

Chromium, the open-source web browser, is now available ungagged in the Applications directory. This means that Chromium will be installed without any of Google’s proprietary software bundled with it. ..

To unlock the feature on Windows, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Start menu and type “cmd” (without the quotes).
  2. Type “netstat -an” (without the quotes) to see if there is a firewall rule that is blocking access to the computer. If there is, change the rule to allow access. If there isn’t a firewall rule that is blocking access, continue to step 3.
  3. Type “netstat -an | grep ipv4” (without the quotes) to see if there is a network interface that is connected to your computer but has no IP address assigned to it. If there is, change the interface’s IP address to so that it can be used by your computer for networking purposes. If there isn’t a network interface connected to your computer with no IP address assigned it, continue with step 4 below.
  4. Type “netstat -an | grep ipv6” (without the quotes) to see if there is a network interface that is connected to your computer but has no IPv6 address assigned to it. If there is, change the interface’s IPv6 address to ::1 so that it can be used by your computer for networking purposes. If there isn’t a network interface connected to your computer with no IPv6 address assigned it, continue with step 5 below

on Linux

Linux users can find Ungoggled Chromium on the GitHub page that supports Linux Ubuntu, Arch Linux, Linux Manjaro, Debian, etc.

The package you downloaded is now available to run.

That was it now, just open the box and check if it is working or not.

Final note

Chromium is a free and open-source web browser, based on the Blink rendering engine. It is developed by Google and released under the GNU General Public License. Chromium is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. ..