How to Import Facebook Advertising Data into Google Sheets – Guide

Facebook advertising is one of the most important marketing channels in the marketing industry. It needs to be reported, but Facebook reports are difficult to understand and use. Google Ads is better at reporting because it is part of the Google ecosystem. This means that integration is easier. And you can start analyzing the data quickly. However, Facebook doesn’t have that luxury. You can import Facebook ad data into Google Sheets, but copy and paste until your eyes and fingers can no longer handle the mundane task. There are better ways to automate this task and save time.

There are two groups of people who could benefit from automation in order to import Facebook ads into Google Sheets. The first group needs time to constantly update email messages, and the second group needs automation to solve big problems in their organization. The majority of automation tools are paid products, so the decision is up to the individual. However, if someone feels like they need to save time, then they should choose one of these tools over another.

Connecting Facebook Ads to Google Sheets Using API Connector

  1. Open the Google Sheets application and click on the blue arrow in the top left corner of the main screen.
  2. On the left side of the main screen, click on the blue arrow that says “Import Data”.
  3. On the next page, you will be asked to enter your Facebook application’s credentials. These credentials will be used to connect to your Facebook account and import data into Google Sheets.
  4. After you have entered your Facebook application’s credentials, click on “Import Data” again to finish importing your data into Google Sheets.

Generate a Request URL for the Facebook API

The first part is the Facebook Ads URL, which you can find by going to the Facebook Ads website and clicking on the “Add Campaign” button. The second part is the Google Sheets URL, which you can find by going to Google Sheets and clicking on the “Add Sheet” button. Once you have created these URLs, you need to set up a Facebook Ads account and create a new campaign. Once your campaign is created, you will need to set up a Facebook Advertising Preferences page. In this page, you will need to provide your Facebook Advertising ID and your Facebook ad campaign name. You will also need to provide your Google Sheets account name and sheet name. After providing these information, you will be able to set up some basic settings for your campaign including targeting audiences, budgeting options, and reporting options.

Facebook Graph:

To generate your Facebook Ads Account Id, log in to your Facebook Ads Manager and navigate to the “Account” drop-down menu. An example account ID is shown in the image below: ..

Connect Google Sheets and Facebook Ads using API Connector

To use the Facebook Ads API Connector, sign in to your Facebook account and select the Ads Manager tab. Click on the “Connect” button as shown in the image below. ..

Facebook Ads will now connect with Google Sheets to allow you to track and measure your Facebook ads.

Import Facebook Ads Data into Google Sheets

After completing Step 1 and Step 2, you have set up a strong connection between Facebook Ads and Google Sheets and you have an API Request URL that will ease the data transfer process. Now you must decide on the data you want to import into Google Sheets and then modify the API Request URL accordingly.

  1. Go to the “API Connector” present in Google Sheets and click on “Create.”
  2. This option allows you to generate a data transfer request between Google Sheets and Facebook Ads.
  3. Now, in the box called “API URL path,” enter the request URL created in Step 1 as shown in the image below. ..

Facebook Ads: Set Current

Since you didn’t use any additional parameters with the request URL, Facebook Advertising API returns impressions and spend data for the last 30 days by default.

Final note

How to Import Facebook Advertising Data into Google Sheets If you’re looking to start importing Facebook advertising data into Google Sheets, there are a few things you’ll need in order to get started. First, you’ll need an account on Facebook. Once you have an account, you can then create a new sheet and name it “Facebook Ads.” Next, you’ll need to add your Facebook ad campaigns. You can do this by clicking on the “Add Campaign” button in the top left corner of the sheet and then selecting the campaign that you want to import. Once your campaign is added, click on the “Edit” button in the top right corner of the sheet and then select the “Campaigns” tab. Finally, select the “Import Data” button and then enter in all of your data for your campaigns. Once everything is entered into Google Sheets, click on the “Save As” button in the top left corner of the sheet and then name your new sheet “Facebook Ads.”