How to Hear Built-in Background Noise on iPhone – Guide

iOS 15 introduces a new background noise feature that helps users feel more relaxed and calm. The feature can be found under the “Sound” tab on the main screen of an iPhone or iPad. Six options are available, including Balanced, Light, Dark, Ocean, Rain and Flow. The option to choose from is easy to find and it’s built-in accessibility settings for iPhone and iPad.

Apple has made it possible for users to access accessibility settings or create a background noise shortcut in the Control Center whenever they want to use the feature. Instead, it pulls random songs from the Apple Music app. If the background music is already playing, Siri may not even recognize it. However, users can also add background noise as a shortcut in Control Center. To enable this feature, the user can go to Settings and find the Control Center and tap on “+” next to Hearing and access Background Noise via the swipe down menu.

How to add background sounds to control center

On the Control Center, tap on the Airplane Mode toggle. If you want to disable airplane mode while you’re on a cellular network, tap on the Cellular Data toggle. ..

It will be in a group of settings, under “General”.

To enable or disable hearing on your iPhone, scroll down to “More Controls” and tap the green “+” next to “Hearing”. ..

The Background Sounds feature is not labeled as Background Sounds in the Control Center. And it is not grouped under Accessibility Shortcuts, although it is under Accessibility in its general settings. It’s all very confusing. ..

Swipe to access your Control Center and tap the ear symbol.

When you’re done, a confirmation message will appear asking if you want to save your changes. Click “Yes” to save your changes and close the Settings window. ..

How to to use background sounds in iOS 15?

In iOS 15, the Settings app offers a new way to access background sounds. To do this, open the Settings app and select “Sound.” From here, you can control how often and how loudly background sounds are played.

Scroll down to find the Accessibility option on this page.

Audio/Visual is a category of content that includes both audio and visual media. This content can be used to supplement or replace written text, and can be used to create a more immersive experience for users. ..

On the Background sounds menu, you can choose to have your phone play natural sounds or music from your library. ..

On the top toggle, you can turn on or off background sounds. This can help you focus on what you’re doing, or make it easier to communicate with others.

In iOS 15, there are new features that allow you to test and change background sounds. You can do this by tapping on the “Sound” button in the bottom left corner of the main screen, and then selecting one of the available sounds.

When configuring up Background sounds for the first time, the system may take some time to download them.

The user can set up two different volume levels, including the volume of background sounds separately and together with other media. The user can also choose to have the background sounds play at a lower volume when they’re not using the device, or to have them play at a higher volume when they’re using the device.

The physical volume buttons can be used to adjust the volume on the HTC Vive.

Final note

How to Hear Built-in Background Noise on iPhone If you’re like most people, you probably have a background noise level that’s just right. But if you want to hear built-in background noise on your iPhone, there are a few things you need to do. First, make sure your device is set up with the correct sound settings. This means that your phone will be able to hear sounds from the outside world as well as sounds coming from inside your device. If you don’t have this setting enabled, it’s likely because someone else in your household has it turned off. Next, make sure that the sound of your device is turned up high enough so that it can hear any background noise coming from outside of your device. This can be done by going into the settings and selecting “Sound.” Then, select “High.” Finally, make sure that “Auto Volume” is set to “On” so that the sound of your device will automatically increase in volume when there’s a background noise level above what it was set to listen for.