How to Fix ‘This Website Is Using Significant Memory’ Issue on a Mac – Guide

When you install a solid state drive (SSD) on your computer, it can be used as a temporary storage location to exchange input and output data depending on system requirements in real time. Some websites require more system resources than others. This is often the case for complex websites like social media feeds (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) or web applications (like Google Docs, Google Sheets) that need to process a lot of data simultaneously. In addition, scripts can also run in the background of a website, consuming more system resources.

The “Significant Memory Usage” warning is an indicator that a tab is using too many system resources, which can lead to a drop in overall performance. If a process is using a lot of memory, it means that there is less memory available for the entire system. This can lead to slowdowns, judder, crashes and unstable operation. This warning appears just above the tab causing the problem. Therefore, you may need to browse through the tabs if you suspect a website is affecting your system.

How to fix ‘this website is using significant memory’ issue on Mac

Close less useful tabs

When I’m working, I close all of my tabs. This way, if I need to open a tab later, I won’t have to worry about it running out of space. And if I want to revisit a tab later, I can bookmark it or add it to my reading list.

Force Quit Safari

Some websites have bad code. This is unusual, but when it happens, it uses up all your computer’s resources. This can make Safari tell you that the site is using too much power and might improve your Mac’s responsiveness if you close it. In that case, you can force quit the Safari browser and start it again. Any issues with confusing code will be fixed immediately. ..

You will now be able to access the Apple website.

Force Quit from the Windows taskbar.

This will open the Force Quit Applications window.

The Safari app is available on your device.

I have to force quit this program.

Use a content and ad blocker

Safari is good at blocking unnecessary junk code like tracking information and advertising information. But it’s not perfect, and there are other third-party extensions that are better for blocking content to keep CPU usage to a minimum.

Open the Safari browser and type “Adblock” into the address bar.

Safari users can download and install the Adblock extension to help block intrusive ads. ..

During installation, share all relevant permissions so that users can easily access the website content and browser history.

disable plugins

Open Safari and type in the following: “Launch Safari”

In the Preference pane, switch to the Advanced Settings tab. Here, you can change how your computer behaves when you’re using a VPN.

When you’re not using your computer, uncheck the “Enable the Stop plug-ins to save power check box.” This will help save power. ..

Clear browser cache

Open Safari and type in the following: “Launch Safari”

In the Preference pane, switch to the Advanced Settings tab. Here, you can change how your computer behaves when you’re using a VPN.

This will show the development menu in the menu bar. ..

If you want to empty the caches in your Safari browser, you can use the Develop menu and choose the Empty Caches option. You can also use the Safari keyboard shortcut Shift + Command + E to open the empty Cache window.

Choose the time period from the drop-down list.

This will take you to a history screen that looks like this: On the left side of the screen is a list of all the events that have happened in your game. You can see what time it was, where it took place, and who was involved. On the right side of the screen is a list of all the players in your game. You can see their name, their level, and their stats.

Update Safari and macOS

From the System Preferences window, select Keyboard. Under the Keyboard section, make sure that the Keyboard Shortcuts tab is selected. In the Keyboard Shortcuts tab, click on the Add button. In the Add Keyboard Shortcut dialog box, enter Command-Option-P (or CMD-OPTION-P on a Mac) into the text field and click on OK. Now when you press Command-Option-P (or CMD-OPTION-P), your computer will open a new window with your default web browser. ..

Open your software update program and let it check for updates automatically. ..

This will let you know if updates are available.

If you’re running an older version of the OS, click Update Now to update to the latest version. ..

Final note

If you’re experiencing issues with your Mac’s memory, this guide can help. ..