How to Fix High Ping Issue in Online Games On Computer – Guide

A ping is an Internet program that allows the user to test and verify that a specific destination IP address exists and accept queries in computer network management.

Pings are a measure of how often a computer is communicating with the internet. They can be high or low, but most commonly they are high. This can be frustrating for gamers, as it means they have to wait a long time for their game to start up, or they have to wait for the connection to improve. There are many ways to reduce or lower pings in online games. One way is to make sure your device is connected properly and that your internet connection isn’t too slow. Another way is to adjust your settings so that your game doesn’t send as many pings.

How to improve ping speed in online games

Use Ethernet cable instead of WiFi to improve ping speed

It is generally advised by gamers that they use an ethernet cable in place of WiFi when connecting their PC to the internet. This can cause high ping rates, as WiFi can be slower than an ethernet connection. If you’re curious how this works, I’ll explain briefly. Get an Ethernet cable long enough to connect your router to your PC. Now connect one end of the ethernet cable to your router’s output port and the other end to your PC’s ethernet port. ..

If you are using a laptop and it does not have an Ethernet input port, you must install an Ethernet network card in the CPU. Also, the CPU chassis has room for an Ethernet network card, so adding a card shouldn’t be a problem.

Bring your PC and router closer together to fix high ping in online games (WiFi users only)

  1. Bring your PC and router closer together to reduce the ping speed.
  2. If you are using a laptop that wouldn’t be a problem, but in the case of desktops, you may have to face some challenges in doing so. Also keep in mind that obstacles such as walls and spaces between the PC and the router can significantly increase the game’s ping speed.

If you are having trouble connecting to the internet through your WiFi, one way to check if you are getting a good signal is by looking at the taskbar on your computer. When the signal strength is weak, it will be obvious that the ping speed will be high. So, it is recommended to move your computer closer to the WiFi until you get a strong signal. However, if there’s a wall between the router and your PC even a strong signal can thwart your attempt to reduce your ping speed in online games. So always remember all of the points above in order to fix online game latency. ..

Limit the number of devices connected to WiFi

When more devices are connected to your router, the bandwidth will be spread out and the ping speed will be high. ..

There are a few ways to reduce the latency in online games. One way is to disconnect any devices that you are not currently using. Another way is to filter out unnecessary devices connected to your PC at any time. Additionally, disconnect any devices that you are not currently using. This will reduce the latency in online games.

Stop PC downloads to improve ping speed in online games

When downloading something on your computer, it can use up your internet bandwidth. This is especially true if the game has a high ping. So you need to be aware of the downloads while playing online and decide when to wait or pause them. If you are downloading something important, wait until it’s finished. Or, if you can wait, just pause it. ..

Don’t download software or torrent clients on your PC if you use them. When checking all active downloads in the torrent client, also pay attention if something is loading or not. In that case, also stop the upload. Also check other connected devices to see if anything is downloading or uploading. If this is the case, you need to stop this as well to improve the ping speed in the online game.

Final note

If you’re experiencing high ping issues in online games, then this guide is for you. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to fix the issue and make gaming more enjoyable for everyone. High ping can be a frustrating experience, especially if it’s causing you to lose time and energy. Fortunately, there are a few ways to fix the issue and make gaming more enjoyable for everyone.

  1. Use a good internet connection: High ping can often be caused by poor internet connections. If you’re having trouble connecting to the internet, try using an Ethernet cable instead of your wireless network. This will help reduce your latency and improve your gaming experience.
  2. Use an anti-ping tool: There are many anti-ping tools available online. Some of them are free while others cost money. Make sure to use one that is specific to your game or platform. This will help reduce the chances of experiencing high ping issues in your game.
  3. Use a VPN: A VPN can help improve your internet connection and protect yourself from third-party websites and services that could cause problems with your latency or gaming experience. It’s important to choose the right VPN service for your needs – some are better than others when it comes to security and performance.