How to Draw Missing Roads in Maps – Guide

Google Maps has updated the way you report new and missing roads on the desktop, so you can drag them directly onto the map. Unfortunately, depending on your point of view – there are some safety measures that prevent you from adding a “road” the size of a giant penis to the Australian outback.

Now, with Google Maps 7.0, you can add a missing road by pressing the plus sign (+) on the map and then entering the street name. The street name will be added to the list of streets in your area that are connected by roads. If you have a lot of streets in your area, you can press the plus sign again to add more streets.

How to draw missing roads in google maps

Google has released a helpful video on how to use its new “Road Away” feature. This easy-to-use feature allows you to add missing roads or change the route a road follows by drawing lines with the cursor. ..

You can also change the name of an existing road and change the direction if it is a one-way street.

The second news feature is called “Photo Updates.” This will allow users to share a picture of a place on Google Maps, without the need to leave a comment or rating. You can also include a short description with the photo, making it easier to tell others in your area that a beach is particularly busy today or that a parking lot is closed, for example. It will be released in the coming weeks and users will be able to find these photo updates by clicking on the “Updates” tab when searching for a location on Google Maps. Finally, Google is encouraging users to leave comments and updates as part of a community challenge.

Final note

This guide is designed to help you draw missing roads in maps. If you have any query about this article, please feel free to ask us. Additionally, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.