How to create breakout rooms in Google Meet – Guide

Today, we continue with the “Google Hacks” series for educators. Since March, instructors have been trying to meet with students using video conferencing programming like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet to talk to students. Generally, these devices are doing a very stable job, allowing educators to convey guidance to their students across a social environment. However, what can be said about small meetings? How can instructors reproduce meaningful personalized guidance that accompanies small-meeting group guidance and bring it to the web? Come in… Themed rooms on Google Meet!

How to create themed rooms on Google Meet (as moderator)

Google has a feature called “Google Meet” that allows users to create up to 100 themed rooms on the site. The idea is that moderators can limit the use of these rooms to specific groups of people, such as teachers with a classroom full of students.

Google Meet is a great way to start a video meeting. You can create a meeting agenda, invite participants, and start the meeting by saying one or more words.

From the “Activities” menu, select “Create a New Activity.” Enter a name for your activity, such as “Write a Review.” Select the type of activity you want to create: review, blog post, or quiz. Click the “Create Activity” button. ..

Theme Rooms are a great way to get your business started. They can be used for different purposes, such as creating a logo or website, or developing marketing materials.

You can create as many themed rooms as you want. ..

The participants are then randomly distributed among the rooms. You can move people to different rooms by typing someone’s name in the room or by clicking and dragging them there. The scrambling button mix groups randomly. ..

The lower right corner of the main screen opens a room list that includes all the rooms in the building.

Once participants are in their themed rooms, they can ask for your help. A notification for you to join their room will appear – click “Join” to join or “Later”. A banner with the message “Asked for help” will appear above the rooms that have contacted you.

You can set a timer for themed rooms by visiting the top of the themed rooms panel and clicking the hourglass icon. You can change or remove the timer at any time. ..

How to join, leave, edit or close all themed rooms

If you want to make changes or join a themed room, be sure to create an account and post in the room.

Select a room number and click “Join”.

Leave the room by clicking on the “Leave” button next to the room number.

To change the number of groups or who is in them, click on “Edit Rooms”.

Close all the themed rooms in your house by selecting “Close Rooms” in the upper right corner of the themed rooms panel. Click “Close All Rooms” in the pop-up window.

How to join Google Meet themed rooms (as a participant)

You will be invited to join a themed room, after which you will be notified that you are returning to the main room. ..

If you want to join a room that a moderator has invited you to, click “Participate.” If you want to cancel your participation, click “Cancel.” ..

If you are calling by phone, dial *2 to go to the breakout room or to return to the main room.

If you are on a computer or mobile app, click the “Return to main call” button at the top of the screen if you want to go back to the main room.

Final note

Google Meet is a great tool for networking and creating breakout rooms. This guide will show you how to create breakout rooms in Google Meet. If you have any query regards this article, you may ask us. Additionally, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.