How to fix Internet Connection Not Working Problem – Guide

If you’re having problems with your internet connection, it may be because of something you’re doing at home. Before calling your ISP, try these simple troubleshooting solutions to get back online.

If you’re having trouble downloading music or experiencing latency when playing League of Legends, it’s likely that the fault lies with you, not your Internet Service Provider (ISP). To check out our troubleshooting techniques for your Internet connection before calling your cable company for a service call, visit our website or call us at 1-800-123-4567.

How to Knife

Try another device or website

Is the issue on just one device or all your devices? If your computer is having problems, see if your tablet or someone else’s laptop can connect to the internet. If the problem only occurs on one device, you can safely narrow the problem to that specific machine.

If you can’t visit a specific website, it’s most likely because the site is down. Try another site or type the website address at or to see if there is an outage.

If you’re having trouble connecting to the website, it may be because your browser’s cache is empty or you’re not using the latest version. You can try visiting the site in a private browsing window or a different browser to see if that fixes the issue. And clear your browser’s cache and cookies.

Check Wi-Fi Settings

If you’re not connected to the Wi-Fi network by default, make sure you’re using the correct SSID and password. If you’re not connected to the Wi-Fi network, it might be because your computer is connecting to a different one or because your network is too slow. You can change the connection priority or right-click on a network and select Forget.

If you’re having problems with your computer, Windows can help you diagnose the problem. Right-click the network icon in the system tray and select Troubleshoot to run the Windows network diagnostic routine. This can sometimes fix common problems by resetting the adapter.

To check the network adapter settings:

  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Under Network and Sharing Center, click Network and Internet.
  3. Under Network and Sharing Center, click Network and Sharing Center.
  4. Under the Connections tab, right-click the network adapter you want to check and select Properties.
  5. On the General tab, under Adapter Settings, make sure the Adapter is using the correct gateway address (if applicable) and other settings as specified in the following table: ..

Check your internet package

If your internet is running slower than expected, go to a site like and run a speed test. You will get a number in megabits per second indicating the speed your computer is actually experiencing. Then, go to your ISP’s website and check your bill. ..

If your invoice number matches your speed test number, you are getting the correct speeds you agreed to pay for. If that seems too slow, you’ll need to upgrade to something faster. If your speed test is significantly slower than the speed you agreed to pay for, you are indeed having problems and should continue troubleshooting. ..

scan virus

If you’re experiencing slow internet speeds, it’s important to scan your computer for viruses, spyware, and malware. Windows Defender is built in to Windows, but there are also many free and paid utilities available that can help speed up your computer. ..

Bypass your DNS server

When you type a website into your browser, your computer uses a DNS server to lookup the IP address of that website. If the DNS server for that website crashes, it can be difficult to visit websites using their domain names (such as It’s like having a job phone no contact list - you technically have the ability to call people but don’t know anyone’s number. ..

If you’re having problems with your website loading, try bypassing your DNS server by typing an IP address into your browser. If the page loads correctly, you may need to change your DNS server or flush your DNS cache to fix the issue.

Decode the flashing lights

If you can’t connect to the Internet, check your modem and router. Both should have some LED status indicators – if none of them are lit up, the modem or router is probably unplugged or turned off. Unplug the power cord — if you have a modem and a router, unplug both — and reconnect the modem after a minute or two.

If you’re not seeing the lights when you plug in your router or power strip, it may be because there is something wrong with your power adapter, power strip, or router.

If some of your lights are on but others aren’t, or are flashing repeatedly, you’ll want to take a closer look at what they’re telling you. For example, if your modem’s lights are flashing instead of solid, it may not be able to find an Internet connection, requiring a new modem (or a call to your ISP). ..

If your router’s network light is on but the Wi-Fi lights are not, you may need to press the Wi-Fi button on the side or re-enable Wi-Fi in the setup menu. If your modem and/or router documentation does not say what these lights are telling you, check with your network administrator to see if there is a way to fix this issue.

Who else is using the Internet

If you’re experiencing slow internet speeds, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the issue. First, check your network settings to make sure everything is configured correctly. If that doesn’t solve the problem, you may need to upgrade your internet service or install a new router. ..

If you’re experiencing slow internet speeds, there are a few things you can do to speed up your connection. First, make sure that the application or website you’re using is using up a lot of bandwidth. If the problem persists even after adjusting your settings, it may be time to call your internet service provider (ISP) and ask for help. If you don’t see any obvious culprits, see if anyone in the house is downloading a large file onto their machine and tell them to stop it. If someone is streaming video or playing a game online, try limiting how much bandwidth they use by switching to a lower quality stream or setting a time limit. ..

There is always the risk that someone is stealing your Wi-Fi. We have instructions on how to see who is in your network and how to drive them out.

Get a better signal

If you are using Wi-Fi, it is important to connect your computer directly to the router with an Ethernet cable. If your Wi-Fi signal is bad enough to degrade your internet speed, it may be necessary to upgrade your router.

If you are having trouble connecting to the internet through your router, you may need to move it to a more central location in your home or buy a Wi-Fi extender. If you already have a Wi-Fi extender, it may just be of poor quality – a mesh network will likely do a better job. ..

If you have a full bars Wi-Fi signal but there are a lot of wireless networks in your building, it could be congested. Changing the channel or using the 5GHz band can help improve your Wi-Fi reception.

Update your firmware

The firmware is the software that runs your modem, router, and other network hardware. Most routers provide downloadable firmware updates that can resolve performance issues, add new features, and increase the speed. Look for the firmware update tool in the System section of your router settings and follow the instructions carefully to ensure you are installing the correct firmware version. Do not download firmware from a third party website.

Clear your settings

If resetting the router does not fix the problem, it is possible that a certain setting is causing the issue. Try resetting your router to factory default settings. For most routers, this involves pressing a small reset button on the back panel and holding it down for a few seconds until the LED lights start flashing. Once reset you can login to the web interface and configure it up from scratch. Just be careful not to activate the same setting that caused the problem in the first place.

Upgrade to a faster router

If you’re using an older 802.11b or 802.11g router, it’s time to upgrade to a newer, more powerful one. A dual-band router gives you two radio bands to choose from and allows you to dedicate one band to bandwidth-hungry clients such as video streaming devices and game consoles. ..

Wireless routers are becoming more and more advanced, with faster transfer speeds and longer Wi-Fi range. 802.11ax, also known as Wi-Fi 6, is the latest router standard and its enhanced version, Wi-Fi 6E, is now available. To find the best wireless router for you, check out our list. ..

go to the source

If troubleshooting your modem and router doesn’t help, the problem may come from a farther point. Inspect the connection coming into your home. This is usually located next to your house and may or may not be housed in an enclosure. Make sure the main cable has not been chewed up by squirrels or released by a storm. If you see a cable splitter, make sure each connection is tight and the connectors are properly crimped. If the divider looks suspicious (i.e. rusty or dirty), try replacing it. Cheap splitters can also degrade signal strength, so if you don’t need to split the signal, try to get rid of it altogether

Last resort: dial Up Your ISP

If you’ve been having internet connection issues, it’s time to call your service provider. The problem may be on their side and it may require a new connection to the pole that enters your home or new equipment such as a better modem or amplifier.

If you’re having trouble accessing the internet at certain times of the day (like after school), it may just be that your ISP can’t handle the increased load; in that case, you might want to switch providers. ..

Final note

If you’re having trouble connecting to the Internet, it may be because your computer is not working properly. This guide will show you how to fix the problem and make sure your computer is running smoothly.