The Best GNOME Shell Extensions for Customizing Linux Desktop

Linux is a Unix-like operating system that allows users to choose how their computer is configured. This freedom is important when choosing and configuring a desktop environment. GNOME, the GNOME desktop environment, comes with a system settings tool that isn’t as diverse as some of its peers. There are still useful options.

If you’re serious about changing GNOME, you need the Tweaks utility. It is not an official GNOME application, but it offers advanced tweaks for the GNOME Shell. Fortunately, there is a large selection of extensions that provide additional functionality. Most extensions are not properly supported by GNOME, but they all take the desktop to the next level by adding useful features.

Check out the list of the best GNOME Shell extensions to customize your Linux desktop

run to the dock

A dock for the Gnome Shell has been released that moves the dash out of the overview, turning it into a dock for easier application launch and faster switching between windows and desktops. Side and bottom placement options are available. ..

The GNOME 3 Dock is a dock that removes the default overview dash and turns it into a dock for easier application launch and faster switching between windows and workspaces without leaving the desktop. This makes GNOME 3 more efficient on your Linux system or wherever you want it to run.

Floating dock

Floating Dock is a new extension for the GNOME desktop that was recently updated to work with the latest GNOME 40 desktop environment. It allows you to have an always visible or hidden dock on your screen, which can be used to launch applications. ..

The floating dock features one called “Vi mode” that can be activated with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + K if you want to launch applications from the keyboard. The dock position, vertical or horizontal and left or right, can also be set by right-clicking on the blue dotted icon, which will always remain visible on the screen.

pomodoro timer

The Pomodoro Technique is a productivity system that helps you stay focused and on track. The idea is to set a timer for 25 minutes, work until it’s over, then take a 5-minute break and repeat the process three more times. By using this system, you can avoid getting sidetracked or procrastinating.

The Pomodoro Technique is a simple way to keep your day on track. You don’t need eight inboxes and three closets to make it work. Any timer, whether digital or analog, can do it. Still, good Pomodoro timer apps (and there are many) bring a little extra to the system.

Clipboard indicator

The Clipboard Bookmark page features a link to its source code, a brief description of what it does, and a toggle to enable or disable it on your desktop. You can configure your clipboard manager with the Settings option. ..

The options available to you when copying and pasting are: whether to display a notification when something is copied, how far you want your history to go before items are replaced with new ones, and what keyboard shortcuts you use to display and move through menu items.

Workspaces to dock

Workspaces-To-Dock is a Gnome Shell extension that transforms workspaces into a smart dock. The dock is positioned and sized to maintain seamless integration with the Gnome Shell, and can be used to manage applications, files, and settings across multiple workspaces. ..

The delay time before the dock appears in the visible state is a critical factor when using vertical scrollbars in maximized windows. By setting the delay time to 500ms-700ms, you can prevent accidental triggering of the dock when using this feature.

just perfection

GNOME 40 introduces a new extension, Just Perfection, that lets you customize the GNOME desktop. This extension allows you to hide the dash in case you want to use a 3rd party dock-like application, move the top panel to the bottom or disable the panel completely.

GNOME Shell’s “Just Perfection” extension can disable many items on the desktop, including Activities, Application Menu, Clock Menu, Keyboard Layout, Accessibility Menu, and even the right-click desktop context menu.


Hamster is a time tracking software for individuals. It helps you keep track of how much time you spent during the day on activities you chose to track. This legacy hamster must be stable and maintain database compatibility with previous versions. It should be possible to try a new version and smoothly revert to the previous version if you prefer.

Despite being satisfied with the hamster app, upgrading to 1.04 is not recommended due to some GUI changes and lost ease of use.


This extension simplifies the use of the video recording function built into GNOME Shell, allowing you to quickly change the various settings of the desktop recording. This is a great extension for anyone who needs to record their screen for work. EasyScreenCast will help you to record your GNOME shell screen and audio at the same time. This is a great GNOME extension for video tutorial content creators on YouTube and other platforms. ..

Final note

This list of GNOME Shell extensions is a great way to customize your Linux desktop. By using these extensions, you can make your desktop look and feel the way you want it to. If you have any questions about these extensions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. ..